Fuel for the Soul

The Bible speaks clearly of various ways we are to conduct our lives.  Most people are aware of the 10 Commandments and most people follow them rather well. But, Jesus gives us further instructions or commandments that are not as often followed. In the words of Jesus:  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  (Matthew 22:37-39)   

There are still a few people who struggle with these commandments. Jesus does not stop there with His instructions as He gave another command known as the Great Commission: “All  authority in heaven has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”  (Matthew 28:18-20)  There are many people who fail to heed this command of Jesus.  Well, the  “Sons of Thunder Ministry” is about going and doing what is commanded of us.

The purpose of the Son’s of Thunder Ministry, Inc. is to  provide strength and help for anyone who feels the need for Christ in their lives

Paul says we are to be “sober, enduring suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your work (our) work fully.”

We are called to share our salvation. Everyone is important to God for all are created in the image of God. We must understand the will of God, because what we believe about God makes a difference in how we respond to God and the way we live and share faith with others.  

Paul speaks about the race of life. The question we must ask of ourselves, can we finish our race of life able to say with confidence that we have fought the good fight, that we have kept the faith, that we have finished the race and now we can receive the crown of victory?  (Are there any doubts?)

Compare The Race of Life

    Each of us has a race to run.  “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance, the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.”

     Situations can quickly change on the racetrack
—a tire pressure changes after a few laps, a tire is cut going into the turn, a driver loses control in front of you. Nothing is certain—much like life itself.

    Racing, in its own way, parallels life with its joyful moments and moments of feeling defeated.  Yet, racing can provide opportunities for success.  Racing has a way of testing ones spirit, ones endurance, as the driver cranks the car, puts it in gear, drops the clutch, realizing there is a risk of failure and also a chance of victory.

     Winning a race is about crossing the finish line first, receiving the checkered flag first!  But, as any one who has been in competition can tell you, there is more to racing!  Racing is about learning about oneself, it is about looking forward to the next lap, and improving the skills necessary to win a race.  It is about having a deep passion for the competition, and seeking the thrill of victory, but it is also about knowing how to finish a race with dignity and honor.  If the race is run with patience and perseverance, everyone can cross the finish line and receive the checkered flag.  Christ crossed the finish line for all of us and as those who believe in the risen Savior know, we share in the victory He won over death.


     It is good to be in the house of the Lord!  It is good to be in touch with other Christians.   Sons of Thunder  Ministry, Inc. encourages you to get together in worship each week.  Nothing is more rewarding than to worship and be in prayer with others.  STM encourages you to find new friends and to fellowship with them.  Please learn to include those who may not know Christ.  Get out and start looking for opportunities to be in fellowship with others.  Don’t deny yourself the value of mutual encouragement that true Christian fellowship provides.

     “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.   Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another..” 

(Hebrews 10:24-25)


     Jesus Christ shared God’s love with those around Him as He witnessed upon this earth.  Through His witness, as in yours, we can let others know that God is a loving God and that He desires to be involved with us every day. God is seeking those who have turned from Him. It is our responsibility to “go“ seeking those who are hiding from God, not waiting on them to come to the church.  If you think the church is just for you, you are wrong, it is for all people of God, especially for those who do not belong.

     Sharing your faith is a way of strengthening your own faith.   Just as the first church was empowered by the Holy Spirit, so are you to be empowered!    Be involved with the work of the church!  So, are you a “fan” of Jesus, or are you on His team? Fans, just cheer on their favorite driver, but the pit crew works hard to make sure the driver comes out on top.  Jesus gave a command, to “go”. Are you willing to make sure He is on top to the world? He has asked you to be more than a Fan, He has called you to be a member of His pit crew, (a disciple) not just a loyal fan.

      God is love, and you are to share it with others. You can begin by quoting the words of John 3:16.  (“For God so loved the world, that He gave…)

The Victory is in Jesus

Rev. Compton would love to come to help you or your church to grow in your ability to share your faith.

The Rev. H.R. Compton (Preacher Buddy), president of Sons of Thunder Ministry, Inc., grew up in the Baptist tradition of the Christian faith but is presently a retired Ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church of the Western North Carolina Conference serving at various tracks.

Rev. Compton has many years of experience in both the racing community and in the community of faith.   For several years of his life Preacher Buddy raced motorcycles (Flat tracked and Hill Climbed) and has raced a Thunder Roadster.

Preacher Buddy, as many of his friends call him, enjoys comparing his life at the track with his life in the church and he can truly identify with people who have been a part of the church and with those who have been turned away from or turned off by the church for various reasons.   Preacher Buddy has lead revivals, men’s meetings, women’s meetings and youth gatherings for a number of years and is willing to come to your church to teach classes on how to share faith in a non-threatening way and how to become a Disciple of Christ.  He is willing and able to lead in various studies of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. 

    Rev. Compton is a minister that believes that ministry happens outside the walls of the local church and that it is our task as Christians to teach others how to be good disciples.

Developing and promoting youth activities is an important part of our ministry. Here we will discuss what we are doing to assist in the growth of our youth.